Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pay Attention to Social Media

There are still people who have no internet strategy for their career.  Social media is not a fad, and it is now just silly to avoid LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc...  These are real tools that are being used by serious business professionals.  If you are reading this and still making excuses about why social media matters.... get over yourself and pay attention.

I am not saying it is 100% for everyone, but some people have their heads buried in the sand.  Everyone is now responsible for creating and cultivating their own personal brand, and the internet is a powerful tool to make this happen.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Give A Speech

Public speaking skills are an important piece of a successful career.  Those who can clearly and concisely share ideas with others always rise to the top.  Additionally, those who take the stage can carve out their position as a leader.

However, the ability to speak to an audience is a learned skill.  Too many business professionals feel they can "wing it" when they take the stage, and thus too many audiences are underwhelmed by the presentations they must sit through.

Agree to speak often inside your company and industry and devote the time to craft a well thought out speech that will have a lasting impact on your audience.

If speaking scares you, join a Toastmasters Club and actively participate for one year. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Do Not Give Up

No matter what you are doing, remember this: 100% of those who give up do not succeed. Some who keep going do not succeed, ..... but some knock it out of the park!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Value Others

Too often we all take other people for granted.  We fail to honor the benefits that people bring us.

You see it all the time.  People cancel on their friends or stand them up.  They call strangers and ask to "Pick Their Brain", without thinking of what they can do in return.  People seek advice, take up time, and then do not implement actions or ever follow up.... much less say "thank you".

Take the time to value the other.  Praise people in your life who are achieving success.  Let go of judgment and jealousy and be proud of those you know.

ReTweet people (if you are on Twitter), quote folks if you blog, and verbally talk them up around town.  Remind yourself daily that your success can never come in a vacuum.

Everyone wants to feel significant, but we cannot be significant alone in a field. We need others.  Embrace the philosophy of "Cooperative Significance"... and take you initial joy in seeing others find their victories.... yours will come, too!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Find A New Blog

There are so many people out there on the internet who are sharing interesting ideas, thoughts, advice and points of view.  Don't be a creature of habit and only read the same media everyday.  Discover new blogs, and other websites, and explore some new gurus.

It is easy to find new blogs.  Google a topic or follow the Blog Roll links from sites you are already familiar.

New information and perspectives will help you expand yourself.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome Serandipty

Many of us feel we need to be in control, but some of the best things happen to us when we just go with the flow.  Resist the urge to schedule every moment of your day. 

Leave your lunch hour open and then see who is available to dine with you at the last minute.  Roam the halls of your office or post a message on Twitter to see who wants to grab a bit to eat.  You might be surprised at the seeds of success that can come out of chance meeting.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Host A Dinner Party

Having people to your home is a wonderful way to forge stronger bonds. Too many people shy away from hosting dinner parties because they over-think the whole process. They worry about if their house or apartment is nice enough, they question what to serve, and they wonder if anyone will have fun (or even want to come).

The reality is that if you just do it it will work out.

It can be a small group, or a larger gathering. You can host friends who all know each other or mix and match a variety of people you know from different parts of your life. Even co-workers or clients can be added to the mix.... just because you know people professionally it does not mean you wont enjoy them on a personal level.

Planning a menu and cooking dinner can ignite your creativity, and the bonus is that you will need to put in the effort to cleaning your house.

If you are overwhelmed by cooking for everyone, ask some of the guest to help out by bringing a side dish, appetizer, or dessert.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Feeling Misunderstood? So What?

Others cannot really know the motivational drivers in your soul. If they misunderstand you or mistakenly judge your purpose it can be painful... but to achieve the success you want you must get past allowing how others "feel" about you cloud your own self-assessment.

Nobody but you knows your thoughts. If you are pure in your purpose then you must not let their snap judgments take you off task.

It happens all the time. Even those closest to us make assumptions that are not correct about our motivations. If this happens to you and you feel misunderstood.... so what?

Know yourself and do not let the ones who are making false observations take you off task.

Nothing speaks louder than your success.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Break Your Routine

The busy world we live in can get us into a routine that can seem overwhelming.

To break your routine you just have to do something different:

Drive a new route to work and see what crosses your path.

Take off early and go see a movie with a friend you have not seen in far too long.

Turn off the TV.

Read a book.

You get the idea. What is it that you do not do regularly? Go do that thing, and then pay attention to the world around you while you are doing it. Be excited to discover anything that can make you think differently.

Enjoy it, as the routine will creep back very soon.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Let Go Of Old Junk

If you had a bad experience in your career or life that is more than five years old, stop dwelling on the negative. Move your mind to a focus on the good things that are all around you.

Too many people have a sour experience and they cannot get past the ill feelings toward some other people. The reality is that the other person is most likely not thinking of you, so why should you waste so much time thinking about them?

This does not mean you have to talk to the perpetrator of the bad, or even forgive them (although in some cases both of those actions can be very healing). Instead just move on.

Yesterday is gone. We have today, and hopefully tomorrow where we can have an influence.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Call an Old Friend

It is easier to re-start a friendship than it is to start a new one. All opportunities in life come from people, so if you want more opportunities, you need to cultivate relationships with people.

We all have had amazing people in our lives with whom we have lost touch. Take a few minutes today to call them or send an email. Tell them why you have fond memories of the time you spent together.

This might not spark the renewal of an active friendship. But it might!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Have Goals

By now you know all about "goal setting". If you are not a goal setter, and yet feel you want more in life... stop rationalizing all the B.S in your head about goals, and take to creating a focus as to what you want in life.

It is up to you to create a pattern of achievement. Wishing and waiting is just lame.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25th - Follow Your Gut

Do you ever have one of those days where you think of someone out of the blue. An old client, friend, former boss, etc...

How often when someone crosses your mind in this manner do you take action and call them?

Follow your gut instinct and reach out. Set up lunch or coffee or if they are not geographically near, just have a phone call. See where it takes you. You never know when a random thought can lead you to an opportunity.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24th - Bring Your Significant Other A Gift

Bring home flowers, a bottle of wine or some other token of affection to your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.

Life is hectic and we all get busy, but do not forget to take a minute to do something for the important people in your life. Make sure that the gift is something that they would appreciate, not something that you care about.

If you do not have a "significant" other, make a similar gesture for someone else who is important in your life. This suggestion is not just about helping your love relationships (although that is a good thing), but when you give a gift, it often brings you a renewed since of joy.

Giving is a great way to remind yourself that others matter

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23rd - Wake Up Early

Set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier and use that time to read or write.

Reading and writing are both ways to expand your mind and gain clarity on the things you want to accomplish in life.

People often claim they do not have time for this, but it is all a matter of prioritizing and creating a habit.

If you read 30 minutes a day you could complete 15 or 20 books per year.

If you write for 30 minutes a day you will have a draft for a book in the can in just three or four months.

No matter what you will learn more and find more focus.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22nd - Sit Quitely


We are surrounded by noise. We participate in noise. We are the noise.

There is so much inbound information coming at us all the time that it can be overwhelming. We never have the chance to digest it all and decide what any of it means to our lives.

Take 15 minutes everyday and take quiet time. If you can do it outside in nature, that is better. Driving in your car does not count.

Try it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21st - Eat At A New Restaurant

Routine can be the killer of creativity. Even simple new experiences can open up your view of the world and allow you to find new points of view.

Often restaurants are a good sign of being stuck in a rut. If you are always visiting the same food establishments you need a change.

Find a new, preferably locally run, restaurant and go eat something new. Be aware of the decor, the people who work there, the the presentation of the meal. Meet the owner if you have the opportunity.

Small changes to your routine will have big effects on your life.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20th - Lead With Something Nice

Remember what grandma used to say? "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything"

Well, grandma was wrong. Sometimes it is appropriate to speak up and say what is on your mind.... but that does not mean it cannot have a nice part.

Try hard to avoid being the person who is instantly critical of everything.

We all know a people who are always pointing out the problems with other people and their points of view. We usually dislike those people.

This does not mean you should hide your opinions, just remember that you can usually find something positive to say about most situations, too. Lead with what you can compliment, then add your not-so-positive comments.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19th - Give Praise Freely

When you encounter someone who is impressive.... do not be shy! Tell them, and the world, what you admire about them.

Too often we are slow to praise people. However, when we freely express what it is about others that makes us say "WOW".... more people are likely to notice us.

Too many people only talk about their own greatness. Those who praise others openly are rare - and remembered.

Do not be stingy with praise!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18th - Watch a TED Talk

If you are not familiar with you might seek me out and thank me for telling you about this amazing website.

TED is a small nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". It started in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. It is now so much more.

The website is full of educational, informative, inspirational, motivational and thought-provoking videos from TED Conferences from around the world.

Take 18 minutes to watch any video and you will find your mind thinking on a new level.

Watch a new talk everyday and who knows what will happen to your success.

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17th - Write Something

Creating content is important if you want to be a "thought - leader" in your industry. Many people often over-think the idea of writing blogs, guest articles, white papers, books, etc... However, when they look at their published competition they are green with envy.

Get over watching others carve out their space, and take the actions needed to make yourself the one that people turn to for the cutting edge ideas in your industry.

If you are worried that you are not a good writer, get someone to edit your work before you let the rest of the world view your prose. But make excuses in this era of the written word and you will fall farther behind.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16th - Know WHY

Many business consultants will tell you to "know your WHY". This is important advice, but hard to quantify. You have to more that "What" your product does, or "How" it does it. If all you sell is features and benefits you will always be a commodity.

Why are you in business, and I mean more than "to make money". Is there a guiding principle in your soul that leads you and your company on a daily basis.

If you know your "WHY", it will make all the rest easy.

This is not some "Law of Attraction Secret", this is the real hard goods on what motivates you and those who work around your to be that one percent success we all desire.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15th - Set Up Lunch

Keeping relationships alive is an important part of networking. Too many people focus on meeting new people, but do nothing to cultivate their powerful existing relationships.

Twice a month you should have lunch with someone you have already known well for more than a year.

Contacts can go stale if you do not work to keep them alive and real. Do not let your competition establish friendships with the people whom you already have in your network.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13th - Find The Courage To Be Imperfect

Nobody is perfect. Do not get wrapped up in having to prove something to others in your perfection. Too many identify themselves in the details and get lost on their path.

Perfection can be the enemy of getting things done. While you do not want to be sloppy in your work, letting your creations be "good enough" for the world will allow you to have the time to create more.

For some this message is difficult.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12th - Be Curious

When we are children we are naturally curious. It is that sense of wonder that can be key to discovering our world that brings greater joy. As we grow up we find comfort in sticking to what we already know.

Comfort in what we know.... Sounds boring when you really thing about it.

Each day find a way to look for something new. This need not be part of a large adventure, but curiosity and learning can happen in everything.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11th - Be Awesome

Being "awesome" is a state of mind. Make the choice to do the best you can with passion and you will be awesome.

Take pride in your work and in your contribution to all that you do. It is not bragging to know you are awesome... it is bragging to constantly point it out to other people.

Those who are really awesome never have to tell anyone, because they already know.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10th - Be Quick To Forgive

There are times when people will do things that make you mad. They will act in selfishly or without regards to your feelings. You feel hurt, you get mad.

Some folks hold a grudge. They make a bad situation worse by harboring negative emotions. They allow some small issue to grow into a bigger problem and they harm not only the relationship, but their own productivity.

Like water off a ducks back, let the minor things roll off. Forgive people for being human. Seek to understand their motivation and understand if they were intentional in the harming of your feelings.

When you cannot forgive, choose to quickly move your attention to other areas. Dwelling on things hurts you more than the other person.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9th - Be Slow To Anger

Too many people get mad fast. Their gut reaction is to attack anyone who is not in total alignment with them. They do this at work, home and in their community.

Do not be one of those people who are always quick to anger. The things these people take personally are usually not personal at all.

If you predisposed to anger quickly, as you read this, you know who you are.

Take a deep breath and assess if the situation really warrants an overflow of emotional response. If not, just let it go.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8th - Have Lunch

Reach out to someone in your business community and offer to take them to lunch. We are experiential beings, and if you only rely on electronic links to build a network, you will never have the type of meaningful interactions that will lead you to the success you desire.

Most people are open to the idea of meeting you for lunch (or coffee) to get to know you better. Sure, maybe you cannot reach the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, but most professionals do not live in ivory towers. Most people are cool, and they have to eat lunch at some point.

If you are not initiating one or two lunch meetings a week you are missing out on creating relationships that can impact your life.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7th - Attend An Industry Event

No matter what industry you work in there are conferences, seminars, luncheons, happy hours, and other gatherings on the national, regional, and local level. Attending these events is important to your success.

Some professionals discredit the business associations that serve their vocation. They do not belong or attend the very events that can help them discover more success. People have a plethora of reasons why they are not actively supporting their profession, but in the end their avoidance holds them back.

Being engaged in your industry can help to succeed. It allows you to meet your peers, hear from thought-leaders, and develop and understanding of the business issues that will impact your career.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th - Know What Success Looks Like

Know what you want in life. If you do not know what success looks like, how will you know when you get there?

Many people chase goals that are vague. They want "more money" or "a promotion", but these are not clearly defined, and leave people unclear on the necessary things. . The brain cannot grasp a vague goal.

If you want to move forward you must have a destination. If your pilot took off on a flight from Los Angeles to Hawaii you would want him to know what Honolulu Airport looks like. If you take off and fly west over the Pacific there is a lot of "blue" under you. Not knowing the destination could be fatal.

Identify your destination and you are more likely to find it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5th - Believe In Yourself

Self doubt will undermine your progress with amazing speed. To go for your goals and dreams you must know in your heart and soul that you can accomplish them.

If you are having trouble with self-confidence do not put off getting over the inner-voice that says "you can't do it".

Be honest with yourself about why you have doubts. Do not ignore you own flaws, but do not invent shortcomings that are not real... or do not really matter.

Identify the people in your life who support you and believe in you. Talk to them about your plans for success and ask them to assist you in grabbing onto the reality that you CAN DO IT.

Asking for help is hard, but if those who reach the top do not do it alone. Have enough confidence in yourself that you know it is safe to turn to others for help.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 14th - Take A Time Out

We are over run with information.

STOP THE INSANITY and take a break.

Every now and then we need to put the Blackberry and iPhone away and stop the inflow of constant stuff.

That means stop reading this, too.

January 4th - Gratitude

Show gratitude to those people in your life who help you succeed. Family, co-workers, friends, clients, vendors, etc.... all contribute to your efforts, and often it is easy to forget the importance of other people in achieving our own success.

A simple "Thank You" goes a long way.

Make it a point everyday to seek out one person in your life and show them gratitude for the things they do that make you life better. They will appreciate you more when they know you acknowledge them.

If you do not think you can find 365 people whom you should thank, you are not looking closely.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3rd - Have A Cause

You have to do more than just chase goals and money. You should tie your success to a cause and support a charity that is making a difference for the greater good in your community (or the world).

Connect part of your income or profit to a philanthropic endeavor and give consistently. It does not need to be a lot of money, but any amount over time will add up to make a difference.

Additionally you should donate some time and volunteer or serve on a charity board.

The world is not just about you, and having a cause which you support will keep you aware of how fortunate you are to be you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2nd - Commit

A new year is a fresh start, but if you are not committed to making changes, then you will fall back into your old routine. Be honest with yourself about what new actions you want to take in the months ahead.

To be commit to your changes be sure to tell the people in your life about your new efforts. It is easy to slip up on your plans when nobody else will hold you accountable. Inform your spouse, friends, boss, co-workers, neighbors, etc... and ask them to hold you to task.

If your goal is to quit smoking and everyone knows your commitment then you are more likely not to grab that cigarette if it will bring the disapproving eye of those around you.

When other people, especially those you respect, are included in knowing about your goals, you are well on your way to success.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1st - Goal Setting

Having goals is a way to keep yourself focused on what you want to accomplish over the course of the next year.

Setting goals is a process, and you must devote the necessary time to ensure you have realistic plans. I have found that taking several hours to identify these steps toward success helps me make the best choices over the following 365 days..

Knowing what you have accomplished over the past year, and where you fell short, is a great place to start. A meaningful goal must push you to work hard to reach your target, but it must be realistically attainable.

There are lots of ways to create your goals, but writing your goals down and keeping them in front of you will make them real.

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