Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5th - Believe In Yourself

Self doubt will undermine your progress with amazing speed. To go for your goals and dreams you must know in your heart and soul that you can accomplish them.

If you are having trouble with self-confidence do not put off getting over the inner-voice that says "you can't do it".

Be honest with yourself about why you have doubts. Do not ignore you own flaws, but do not invent shortcomings that are not real... or do not really matter.

Identify the people in your life who support you and believe in you. Talk to them about your plans for success and ask them to assist you in grabbing onto the reality that you CAN DO IT.

Asking for help is hard, but if those who reach the top do not do it alone. Have enough confidence in yourself that you know it is safe to turn to others for help.

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